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Halo: The Thursday War - A Life-or-Death Mission for Kilo-Five (epub format)

Materials and methods: All paediatric cases with surgical treatment of the spine that were treated in a single spine centre from 2018-2020 were considered. The subgroup of patients with inpatient halo-gravity traction (halo group) before surgery was compared with all other cases treated in terms of economic and demographic factors.

halo the thursday war epub 12

Conclusion: Paediatric spine surgery can be challenging in special cases. In particular, severe deformities of the spine may require additional procedures. The subgroup of patients requiring preoperative halo traction is not adequately compensated by the DRG system.

Apple Books supports two book types: EPUB (.epub) which can be created with Pages or other third-party tools and Multi-Touch (.ibooks) that can be created using the application iBooks Author. EPUB can be used to create Flowing books and Fixed Layout books.

Elements in the Navigation Document are created using the HTML5 element. Because each navigation feature is created using the same element structure, you must also include an epub:type attribute to identify the purpose of each nav structure. The Navigation Document is also a content document and therefore can be visible in the pages of the book.

The main Table of Contents in Apple Books is created using a nav element with an epub:type value of "toc". Readers use the Table of Contents to navigate to key locations in the book. Note that you do not define page numbers for each entry. Apple Books calculates those for the reader to accommodate different font and screen sizes.

The Landmarks structure identifies key component files within the book, such as the cover page, bibliography, and so on. It is created using a nav element with an epub:type value of "landmarks". The Landmarks navigation structure replaces EPUB 2's element. Apple Books references the Landmarks when cutting the sample for a book. A Landmarks nav is required for Fixed Layout books if you do not provide a custom sample.

Landmarks can also be used to define the start page of a Flowing book, which is the first page a reader will see the first time they open a book. Apple Books opens to the first landmark item that contains the epub:type value of "ibooks:reader-start-page". If that value is not specified in the Landmarks navigation structure, Apple Books opens to the first spine item that contains one of the following epub:type landmarks values:

The Landmarks structure uses the epub:type attribute to identify both the element and the document functions listed within it. Apple recommends you identify all of the key files in your book. The required epub:type attribute describes the publication component referenced by the href attribute. The value for the epub:type attribute is case-sensitive. Apple suggests you label the first chapter of the book with an epub:type value of "bodymatter", with all other epub:type attributes tagged with the appropriate type ("toc", "titlepage", "epilogue", "preface", and so on). Within the Landmarks block, there can be only one epub:type attribute of each type; for example, there cannot be multiple epub:type attributes of type "bodymatter". For a full listing of the values available for epub:type, see -vocabs/structure/.

The element using the epub:type="page-list" attribute provides a method to designate pages in an EPUB that correspond to the pages of the physical book. This is especially useful in a classroom setting when the teacher instructs students to turn to a particular page. You can use the optional epub:type="page-list" attribute to define an empty string to that page so that it is not numbered. Similarly, you can define Roman numerals (i, ii, iii), letters (a, b, c), or numbers (1, 2, 3) for page numbers. If you use something other than numbers or a single word, make sure it is meaningful, keep it very short, and check to make sure it doesn't get truncated on the screen.

Design interactive books to work on both iOS devices and macOS. Interactivity on desktop computers use input from a mouse while interactivity on iOS devices use touch input. This means that your script must determine if it should provide a touch or mouse event as required by that platform. You can query if a platform supports mouse or touch by using hasFeature as defined in the EPUB 3 spec ( -contentdocs.html#app-ers-hasFeature). For example, if navigator.epubReadingSystem.hasFeature('touch-events') returns true, then you should provide touch events in your JavaScript.

If you do not want Apple Books to cut the sample automatically, you can create a separate, custom .epub file and deliver it for use as the sample on Apple Books. Note that not all tools support this option. If you contract with a third party to manage your content delivery, they should be able to do this for you. Contact your delivery company directly for more details.

If a book is predominantly text, the sample is based on a percentage of the number of words (the percentage used is specified in your contract). Where the sample begins can vary depending on how the book has been structured. The words on which the percentage is calculated are counted from the beginning of the book. For flowing books, the beginning is determined by finding the first landmark where the epub:type attribute is "bodymatter". If that attribute is specified, Apple Books starts cutting the sample from the publication component in the spine item referenced by the href attribute in the landmark. Then, the sample is cut either from the first item in the Landmarks block, or the percentage of the words, whichever is greater. For example, if the first item in the Landmarks block contains only 2% of the total word count and the percentage specified in the contract is 5%, then the remaining 3% is taken from the next item in the Landmarks block. Any images, movies, or audio included in that percentage will be included in the sample.

If the "bodymatter" attribute is not specified in the Landmarks structure, Apple Books looks for the first landmark where the epub:type attribute is not one of the following: "cover", "frontmatter", "toc", "foreword", "introduction", or "dedication" and starts with the spine items immediately following the component referenced in the prior "cover", "frontmatter", "toc", "foreword", "introduction", or "dedication" landmark.

If your book is a picture book or other Fixed Layout book, you must indicate pre-paginated in the tag in the element within the OPF file. (See Defining Book Layout Metadata for instructions.) The pre-paginated option determines how the sample is cut. Without this option, the sample is cut as if the content is a text-heavy book like a novel. With this option, the sample is cut based on a percentage of the number of pages rather than word count. Apple Books determines the first page of the book (each page of a Fixed Layout Book, whether a single page or a two-page spread, must be a separate XHTML file) and then cuts the sample from a percentage of total page count. The sample will look to the Landmarks block of the .opf to determine the start of the content of the book. For optimal samples, include epub:type="bodymatter" to indicate the beginning of the book's content. Note that a Landmarks nav is required for Fixed Layout books only if you do not provide a custom sample.

To provide an optimal quality sample for books with interactive content, Apple recommends that you supply your own custom sample due to the dynamic, complex nature of an interactive book. However, a custom sample is optional for books with interactive content. To create a custom sample, create a separate .epub file that includes the pages you want in the sample and deliver it within the block with type="preview". See Apple Books Metadata XML File Annotated in Apple Books Book Package Specification for more information.

In Fixed Layout books, epub:type="page-list" for EPUB 3 can be used to define the page numbers that Apple Books assigns to each page. For example, the first page of the book is page 1 by default, but in some books, this may be the cover page and shouldn't be numbered. You can use pageList or epub:type="page-list" to define an empty string to that page so that it is not numbered. Similarly, you can define i, ii, iii or a, b, c then 1, 2, 3 for page numbers. Using or epub:type="page-list" in Fixed Layout books requires iBooks 2.0 or higher.

To add an ambient soundtrack to your book, include an audio element with the attribute epub:type="ibooks:soundtrack" and include both the xmlns:epub namespace and the epub:prefix="ibooks:" namespace (see the code example below).

Changed image sizing for Flowing EPUB books. Clarified video posterframe art. Clarified links. Clarified delivering Chinese language codes. Changed the name for the Fixed Layout Book example to FixedLayout_3-2.epub and the Flowing Book Example to FlowingExample3-1.epub.

In a book made using iBooks Author, you can link from an HTML widget to another place within the same book, or you can link to an EPUB (.epub) book or to another Multi-Touch (.ibooks) book. When linking to a Multi-Touch book, you can link to a specific location, such as a figure, chapter, section, or page number. See Links for more information.

For example, if the Landmarks structure included epub:type attributes of "cover", "frontmatter", "page1", and "bibliography", iBooks searches the spine for the component referenced in the "frontmatter" landmark and starts the sample cutting with the spine item immediately following it.

Similarly to Keimatsu, we assume that the records of luminous phenomena observed at night are potentially those of auroras. Therefore, we surveyed the words that refer to luminous phenomena, such as vapor, light, and cloud. In the Astronomical Treatise of Sòngshǐ, these are categorized in the subsection of clouds and vapors. From the list of the potential auroral candidates, we manually removed the following two types. The first are those without dates. Most of these are found in the chapters explaining how fortunetelling is performed, which includes conversations between the emperor and servants or sages. Therefore, they are unlikely to be the direct records of the observations. The second type includes those seen during the daytime. Some of the daytime phenomena are presumably the halo around the sun. 2ff7e9595c

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